Equality and Diversity
Our vision of a fair and just society
We are creating an inclusive community where:
- People are treated with dignity and respect
- Inequalities are challenged
- We anticipate, and respond positively to, different needs and circumstances so that everyone can achieve their potential
- Our equality and diversity principles are implemented
We value diversity and we recognise that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge and culture, and that this difference brings great strength.
We believe that discrimination or exclusion based on individual characteristics and circumstances, such as age; disability; caring or dependency responsibilities; gender or gender identity; marriage and civil partnership status; political opinion; pregnancy and maternity; race, colour, caste, nationality, ethnic or national origin; religion or belief; sexual orientation; socio-economic background; trade union membership status or other distinctions, represents a waste of talent and a denial of opportunity for self-fulfilment.
We recognise that patterns of under-representation and differences in outcomes at SNMAT can be challenged through positive action programmes.
We respect the rights of individuals, including the right to hold different views and beliefs. We will not allow these differences to be manifested in a way that is hostile or degrading to others.
We expect commitment and involvement from all our staff, students, partners and providers of goods and services in working towards the achievement of our vision.
Equality Objectives 2021-25
Objective: | Why we have chosen this objective: | To achieve this objective we plan to: |
1.To design and implement a curriculum that closes the gender gap specifically in relation to oral language, reading and writing. | Whilst there is some variation in outcomes due to small cohorts, girls generally outperform boys both in the EYFS and in KS1. This is particularly noticeable in their oral and written language skills. |
example, more opportunities to develop literacy skills outdoors.
2.To narrow the gap between the attainment and progress of pupils entitled to pupil premium (PP) and those that are not across all areas. | Outcomes for children entitled to PP remain variable; cohort size and additional vulnerability factors have an impact, but the numbers achieving expected and higher levels are too low. The number of children entitled to PP has increased since the pandemic began. |
3.To ensure the curriculum explicitly celebrates diversity and promotes understanding of difference. | Our children come from an area that is typically White-British. There are fewer than average children from ethnic minority groups whose first language is not English. It is particularly important that the curriculum provides lots of opportunities for children to learn about and appreciate the richness and diversity of God’s world all around them. |
known and moves outward (me, my community, the wider world).
generation are more socially mobile (e.g. work on the local mining heritage and jobs we might do in the future). |