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Our Day

The school day starts at 8.40 when we welcome you on the door. 

We ask that you give kisses and cuddles here and let the children enter the classroom by themselves, as we strive to give the children every opportunity to develop their independence skills. 


Most days the morning session will begin with early work, in the Autumn term this is usually either dough disco or squiggle while you wiggle. We then support the children to plan their learning during our busy time. Around 10 am we pause for snack time and share a story which will link to our learning for the week. We use this time to discuss the story, predict what will happen next, discuss why characters said or did things and learn lots of lovely new vocabulary! So important at this stage of learning. Then it's back to being busy learning through play. 

Just before lunch we have a short group time to develop our mathematical thinking. 


Then lunch from 12 -1.  After eating the children join the bigger children on the field, this gives them an opportunity to develop friendships with other children in school. 


After lunch we have a phonics session before getting back to being busy. 

Around 2.30 we begin to tidy up and get ready for home. We have a home time story daily and squeeze in some singing before it's time to say goodbye to the teachers and hello to the parents and careers waiting to pick up the children at 3pm. 

PE day

Once a week we have PE in the school hall. You will receive confirmation of which day prior to the children starting full time. 

On PE days children should come to school in PE kit including suitable footwear so that we can spend our time developing our physical skills rather than getting changed. 


Hopefully you can see from these photos our PE sessions are fun but physically challenging.