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Nursery/F1 Curious Creators

Starting school is a very important step in every young child’s life and at St Johns C of E Academy we place great emphasis on these early years. We will do everything we can to make sure your child feels secure and happy with all aspects of school life.


We believe the key to every child’s success is a strong partnership that we can build between parents and the school, within the early stages of your child’s school journey.


Your involvement and support remains vital to your child’s development.


Application Process


Our admissions process is dealt with in school. Once you have completed our application forms, we will calculate the date that your child is due to start and inform you whether your child has a place by email. Prior to your child joining us, we will arrange a home visit to come out and meet you and your child and also invite parents and children to a transition event in school.


Intake & Offers


Intake Deadline for ApplicationsOffers Made
Spring Intake 2025 (January 2025) W/E 28th June 2024W/C 15th July 2024
Summer Intake 2025 (April 2025)W/E 27th September 2024W/C 14th October 2024
Autumn Intake 2025 (September 2025)W/E 28th March 2025W/C 21st April 2025
Spring Intake 2026 (January 2026)W/E 27th June 2025W/C 14th July 2025


Places are offered following the same admission criteria as published in our current Admissions Policy.


We have a current admission number of 30 sessions per morning and 30 sessions per afternoon. If our Foundation 1 Unit is not oversubscribed, all applicants will be offered a place. If our Foundation 1 Unit is oversubscribed then the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have an 'Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)' which names the school.


Oversubscription Criteria


1. Children looked after by a local authority and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

2. Children living in catchment at the closing date for applications and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school. (a map showing the academy’s defined catchment area can be found on the academy’s website).

3. Children living in catchment, whose parent(s) is a regular worshipping member of the Church of England and part of the congregation at Christ Church, Worksop, who has attended at least once a month, every month, for a year, immediately prior to the date of application. ** please refer to paragraph below on measurement of attendance.

4. Children living in catchment, whose parent(s) is a regular worshipping member of a Church within the “Churches Together in England”, who has attended at least once a month every month, for a year, immediately prior to the date of application; ** please refer to paragraph below on measurement of attendance.

5. Other children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for application.

6. Children living out of catchment, who at the closing date for applications and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

7. Children who do not meet any of criteria 1-6, but are on role in the academy’s F1 setting, at the closing date for applications to reception.

8. Children whose parent(s) is a regular worshipping member of a Church within the “Churches Together in England”, who has attended at least once a month every month, for a year, immediately prior to the date of application; ** please refer to paragraph below on measurement of attendance.

9. Other Children.

*Applicants who wish church commitment to be taken into consideration as part of their application (criterion 3,4 and 8) should complete a Supplementary Information Form (as explained in section 3.3 above).
*A list of member Churches of ‘Churches Together in England’ can be viewed at
Measurement of Attendance
** In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church or, in relation to those of other faiths, relevant place of worship, has been closed for public
worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church, or in relation to those of other faiths, relevant place of worship, or alternative premises have been available for public worship.


We offer the following sessions only:


  • Mornings Only                 15 Universal Hours                                                         

  • Afternoons Only              15 Universal Hours                                         

  • Full time                            30 Hours (15 Universal & 15 Extended)


15 Universal Hours- Mornings or Afternoons


All children are entitled to the Government's universal funding. This allows for children to attend for 15 hours each week in term time.


Morning Session 08:30am until 11.30am

Afternoon Session 12.10pm until 3.10pm


30 Hours (15 Universal Hours & 15 Extended, including 1 hour lunch club)


Parents should use the online HMRC eligibility checking system at to obtain an eligibility code for 15 extended hours. If you experience any problems checking your eligibility please contact the Customer Interaction Centre on 0300 123 4097. 


Non Funded Places


If families are not eligible for a funded place, but would like to apply for an extension to their 15 Universal Hours, we offer a limited number of paid places. As these places are limited, we ask that you contact us to let us know you require this. In order to access our extended provision, children must attend every day. Children will receive their three hours funded time each day, with parents paying for the additional three hours. The current cost is £5.34 per hour.


We are registered for Tax Free Childcare and parents are able to use this service to pay for their fees. We also currently accept childcare vouchers from the following schemes, you will need our URN to make payments through all schemes which is 142507:




 Busy Bees









We have a very successful whole school strategy of improving attendance through working in partnership with parents and children.


Attendance at St John's C of E Academy should be consistently above 96% and we need you and your child’s contribution to ensure that we attain this. We encourage parents to discuss any difficulties they may be experiencing with the staff team so that we can prevent your child being absent from Nursery.


We will communicate with you if we are concerned about your child’s attendance. Please note that, if your child is frequently absent without a justifiable reason and his/her attendance drops below 90%, your child may lose his / her place.


Good attendance and punctuality ensures that children develop good social skills, have full access to education and achieve their full potential.


Waiting List


Our waiting list lasts until the end of the admission year and is maintained in strict admission criteria order irrespective of date of application.


The Aims of Foundation 1


We aim to provide a safe, secure and stimulating atmosphere with a well-organised and attractive environment that will encourage all children to be happy, confident and independent with a positive attitude to learning.


Once your child has started, you will be allocated a key person who will be your first point of contact for sharing information about your child.


We provide a broad, balanced curriculum through carefully planned activities and experiences that follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and have a strong emphasis on structured learning through play and child-initiated activities.


We strive to meet the needs of individuals through a flexible approach to teaching and learning. 

If you would like to make an application for your child to join our Foundation 1 Unit, please complete the forms below and email to our or via post to St John's C of E Academy, Raymoth Lane, Worksop, S81 7LU