Dear Mrs Bee, Mrs Foy, Mrs Roys and Miss Tyson
Thank you so much for such a comprehensive and considered report and one which genuinely seems to capture Maddie. Curious Creators is the third nursery setting Maddie has been in since the age of 10 months when I had to return to work. While I whole-heartedly feel Maddie is ready for 'proper' school now, I also feel her confidence and ability to take on the next chapter is a direct result of the supportive, encouraging, fun and loving learning environment she has been exposed to over the past year.
Maddie has truly enjoyed her year, the friends she has made and relationships she has built with you. From the little postcard you sent her last Summer to the special gift she could not open until the night before she started in Cubs, these touches demonstrate what conscientious, caring human beings you are and why you are loved so much. No one could ever question your commitment!
Maddie's ability to retain even the smallest of detail through observation astounds me daily, she never misses a trick. Maddie will remember each of your likes and dislikes, favourite colours, animals and things you have said to her for years to come.
Taking the time to post regular updates on Tapestry to give us a little insight into the Curious Creators world and Maddie's day has been so welcome, especially since our contact with the classroom setting has had to be so limited this year. Maddie is always interested to look at the pictures and see what has been posted so she can tell us all about it even if when we collect from school she says she's done 'nothing' all day when asked!
Your talent and imagination knows no bounds - your unique and expertly written (not to mention amazingly performed!) Christmas song was so impressive. The Chorus often pops into my head and I'm sure it will be included in our Christmas album of singalongs this year!
Fingers crossed you will have Isaac from September 2022 and I have no doubt that he will flourish in the setting because of the people you are in the same way that Maddie has. I couldn't wish for him to be in a better place before he also starts his school journey.
Thank you, you really are a special team and staff St John's should feel so proud to have as part of their community. See you (in passing) next year and have a lovely Summer (you deserve it).
Take care
Steph and Russ Parr