Charlotte has absolutely loved her year in Nursery. We made the difficult decision to move her from the nursery she was in and join you in the hope it would help her transition to school. It was definitely the right decision, from day one she has had the best time and her writing, phonics, maths and general love for learning has grown immensely.
The teachers provide a happy and friendly learning environment with fun and engaging activities that Charlotte can’t wait to tell us about. She has enjoyed every topic and enjoys telling us all the new facts she has learnt.
She has built strong relationships with friends and teachers, and has a beautiful bond with Mrs Bee. Mrs Bee is a very special teacher and at a really difficult time for Charlotte (and guessing many others), she made the world feel safe again by surrounding Charlotte with love and support, giving her a safe place outside of the home and helping her to understand what was happening. Charlotte also had a medical issue this year and Mrs Bee was nothing short of incredible. Within days she had numerous levels of support in place and worked closely with us to find the way to best support Charlotte, and without probably realising it was a great support to me because I knew that she would do anything to help my little girl. When there was no support anywhere externally, it was such a relief to know that there was someone else trying to help her. For this I will be forever grateful.
Developmentally we know Charlotte is ready to progress to the next class however emotionally I know she will really miss her teachers and the comfort that is Curious Creators. I know leaving Mrs Bee is going to be very difficult for her especially after not having the last week of term, but I am confident she will get the support she needs to transition.
Many thanks
Nicky Whyles