Reporting to Parents
Reporting to Parents
At the beginning of each term parents are issued with details of the curriculum for their child’s class. This is intended to be informative and helpful to support parents as partners to our school.
Parents are also informed of their child’s learning targets at each parents evening so they remain in touch with their needs and progress.
Opportunities to meet with teachers are arranged for Autumn and Spring terms to discuss the progress and developments of every child at our school. These are extremely well attended and are seen by parents as constructive and informative.
Teachers at St John’s C of E Academy are always willing to meet with parents at a mutually agreed time, throughout the year. We ask you to avoid the start of the day as teachers at this time are involved with the supervision of a class of children to whom they need to give their fullest attention. The Principal is available at all times and will certainly be willing to see parents at the beginning of the day, particularly if the matter is urgent.
In the Summer term children receive their annual School Report. This comments on their progress and indicates targets for further development. Parents are offered the opportunity to discuss the report should they choose to make an appointment to do so.
For children whose parents no longer live together, it is necessary for the parent who is not the primary carer to inform the school if they wish to receive the information available regarding your children’s progress. They must ensure the school office has a contact postal or email address to enable us to forward this information, which we are more than happy to do.
School Annual Reports are sent out to parents/carers in July