Hello 1NS
Welcome to our class page.
We hope you enjoy reading our class page and finding out what we are going to be learning about in class time.
If you have any concerns or would like to know more information about anything please do not hesitate to come and speak to us before or after school.
Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to hearing about the lovely things you have been doing. What beautiful weather we have had over the weekend.
We had a fantastic time at Cleethorpes on Monday. It was great to see you all building sandcastles and collecting shells.
I would also like to say well done to all of you for doing so well in our KS1 class assembly.
You sang beautifully.
I hope you are all enjoying our Topic - Pirates! I have been very impressed with what you already know.
Thursday morning, 11th July is our school Sport's Day. Come on Year 1!!!
We would like to say well done to everyone who has tried really hard with their homework spellings. We are very proud. Your handwriting is coming on brilliantly.
Keep up the great work.
The small blue spelling books will be marked and stamped every week and new spellings will be set and sent out on a Friday. Please note, that this is instead of the large blue homework books.
Well done to everyone who has worked really hard in literacy, next week will be finding out more about pirates.
Next week in numeracy we will be ordering numbers.
I wonder what we will find on our school trip to the seaside?
Have a great week everyone and keep up the fantastic hard work.
See you Monday.
Thank you, Miss Sensicall and Miss Majewski
P.E days
Thursday - outdoor
Friday - indoors
Please leave your indoor and outdoor P.E kit in school but make sure you take it home in the school holidays.
Letters and sounds websites -
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
Our trip to Sherwwood Forest