Welcome to 1NS
Its hard to believe we are into our last term together. Our topic this term is the seaside. We are all looking forwards to our trip to Cleethorpes on the 30th of June and learning about the coast.
If you would like to talk to me please catch me at the door at the end of the day.
Thank you
Miss Sensicall
General Information
PE - Wednesday - Outdoor PE - children will need trainers, jogging bottoms, T-shirt and jumper.
Friday - Indoor PE - children will need shorts, T-shirt and plimsolls.
Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times.
Reading Folders
Please can you make sure that your child brings their reading folder with them to school every day. Reading books are change Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Homework will be given out every Friday and needs to return the following Wednesday.
Drinks bottles.
Please ensure your child brings a drinks bottle to school every day - for hygiene purposes we are unable to provide cups in school.