Hi everyone,
This term we are travelling around the world.
The children enjoyed their time in Spain and found out some interesting facts about the country.
We have now travelled to the country of Guatemala. We will be looking at the climate and environment of the country and looking at the different animals that live there.
As the term progresses we will be visiting different countries. Please help your child to find out facts for each of our visits.
Homework over the holidays is to write a diary entry for two of your favourite days. Please help your child to think about sentence structure and letter formation.
Spellings have not been changed this week so the children will be tested on these on the first Friday back at school.
General Information.
On Fridays we have a show and tell session where we enjoy sharing things from home with our friends, but remember that the box to keep them in is only small so nothing too big please.
Please could I ask you to check that your child has bought the correct coat and jumper home. Some have gone missing this week even though they have names inside them. Thank you.
PE - PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child has an indoor and outdoor PE kit in school at all times.
Indoor kit - shorts, T-shirt, plimsolls.
Outdoor kit - jogging bottoms, T-shirt, sweatshirt, trainers.
Please ensure no jewellery or earrings are worn on PE days.
Reading books.
Reading books are changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please could you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week, this could be the book your child has bought home or a library book comic etc.
If you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week they will receive a raffle ticket at the end of each half term. Every child will receive a prize.
Homework will be given out each Friday. Please ensure that the completed homework is handed in the following Wednesday.