How do you like being at the Seaside? We hope you are all having fun learning about our new topic.
In Literacy we have learnt how to write instructions using bossy verbs. You have done really well with this and have enjoyed writing instructions about CPR and how to catch a seagull.
In Numeracy we have been working hard on our calculation methods. Can you use partitioning to add and subtract? How are you getting on with using arrays to multiply numbers?
In our topic we have learnt about Grace Darling and her brave rescue. You have written some excellent newspaper articles about her adventure - Well done! We have also learnt about floating and sinking. I was so impressed with your knowledge of floating and sinking and how well you remembered the facts we learnt.
After the half term holiday we will be looking at the history of the seaside so if you visit any seaside resorts over half term then please can you take some pictures for our displays.
Have a lovely half term
General Information
Monday - Indoor PE - children will need shorts, T-shirt and plimsolls
Wednesday - Outdoor PE - children will need trainers, jogging bottoms, T-shirt and jumper
Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times.
Reading Folders
Please can you make sure that your child brings their reading folder with them to school every day. Reading books are change Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Each Friday the children’s reading records will be checked and if they have read three or more times in the week then they will receive a stamp. If they receive 6 or 7 stamps at the end of the half term they will receive a raffle ticket which they can exchange for a prize.
Homework will be given out every Friday and needs to return the following Wednesday. There will be a mixture of Literacy, Numeracy and Topic homework throughout the term.
Drinks bottles
Please ensure your child brings a drinks bottle to school every day - for hygiene purposes we are unable to provide cups in school.