Hello 2LB,
I hope you are enjoying our new topic 'The Seaside'. Grace Darling and Sir Francis Drake are two of the interesting people from History that we have been learning about - perhaps you can tell your Mum and Dad why they are famous.
We are going to be finding out about Seaside holidays in the past. We have already looked at Punch and Judy who people have been watching for a long time at the seaside.
I am really looking forward to our trip to Cleethorpes in June. We will be able to look at how Cleethorpes is different to Worksop.
Keep working hard.
Mrs Butterfield
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday both outdoor as long as the weather is okay. Please can you make sure your child has the correct kit on each day.
Homework is sent home on Friday and needs to be returned by Wednesday at the latest..