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Welcome to your class page, 3GC!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday and have not eaten too much chocolate!  I am really looking forward to our new topic... Minibeasts!







Our topic for the Summer Term is Minibeasts.  This will be your last topic in Year 3, so we are going to make it as fun and exciting as possible!

You will be finding out about all sorts of minibeasts and their habitats.  You will have chance to look at and hold some of these amazing creatures!  What will we find in the school garden?  Will there be even more exciting creatures lurking in the school allotment?  We may even have chance to go further afield and see if we can find even more species! 

What are your favourite Minibeasts?  I like caterpillars,  I think they are amazing!  Do you know what is so amazing about them?






In Literacy we will be reading and watching James and The Giant Peach.  Do you know who the author is?  Can you think of anymore stories by this wonderful story writer?

We will be finding out about James and thinking about the story from his point of view.  We will be putting ourselves in his shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be him.  I hope you've all got your imaginations ready!

We will be looking at what features we can include to improve our story writing.  Can you remember VCOP?  Do you make sure you include it when you are writing?

There will also be some non-fiction work to be done.  We will be finding out about Minibeasts and creating our own fact sheets.  Maybe you could start finding out information all ready?

In addition to this we have lots of SPAG work to do.  Can you remember what SPAG is?  Can you teach your grown ups some of our Kung-Fu Punctuation? smiley




We will be continuing with our weekly skills tests this term.  You are all doing such a fantastic job, I have had to rearrange the groups!  You may be in a new group for this term! 

Our first area of Numeracy we will be looking at is Time.  Can you tell the time?  Do you know the difference between an analogue and a digital clock?  Can you tell the time on both?  What are Roman Numerals?  Why are they useful to us when we are learning to tell the time?

We will also be spending some time looking at Fractions.  Fractions of shapes and fractions of numbers.  You should be familiar with some of this work by now but it is really important that you become a fractions expert, ready for year 4.

There are lots of other areas of Numeracy to be covered this term, including measures, multiplication and division and statistics.

Keep practicing your times tables.  I will be testing you on them on a Thursday afternoon.  



Things to remember.....



Please bring your reading record to school on Monday to be checked.  Remember you need to read at home 3 times or more each week in order to earn a raffle ticket!

Indoor PE will be on a Monday afternoon - make sure you have your kit in school.  (No earrings please!)

Spellings homework will also go home on a Monday and needs to be handed to your spelling group teacher the following Monday.



Outdoor PE will be on a Thursday morning - PE kits are needed.  Please make sure you have suitable outdoor trainers and clothes.

Times tables will be given out on a Thursday afternoon and tested the following week.



Topic based homework will also be given out on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Friday, unless a specific date is indicated.





CLASS ASSEMBLY  ...... THURSDAY 21st MAY at 10am








Once Upon a Time Programme of Study