Are you ready to learn about marvellous Minibeasts? This term we will be learning about insects but especially my favourites, butterflies!
We will be investigating different habitats and learning how to classify insects.
You will also be caring for minibeasts, such as stick insects and caterpillars (which will hopefully turn into butterflies!)
In Literacy we will be reading one of my favourite books, James and the Giant Peach. We will also be learning about still life painting and designing our own smoothies!

Each Friday you will be given homework to complete, which should be returned the following Friday unless stated otherwise. This could be Literacy or Numeracy. We will also expect you to read, at least 5 times a week. You could try over this half term to complete the reading challenge, everybody who does will get a prize. You will also be given spellings and times tables to learn. It is important that you complete these tasks as they will help you progress through Year 4.
During the Summer term you will be getting a homework challenge sheet and you must complete 4 of the tasks on it by certain dates. For each task you complete you will receive tea party tokens.
You will need to bring your P.E. kit on Thursdays and Fridays, otherwise you won't be able to take part.