Good afternoon Year 5 and welcome back after the half term!
Miss Clarke and I hope you had a fabulous time and are fully rested for this term! We are really looking forward to the residential and hope you are too! We have a couple of things for you to take note of:
- Tuesday 10th June 5:30 - 6:30pm Mr Challinors classroom (next to the office)
Parent talk regarding Castleton
- Due to our celebration's within school we are having to postpone the year 5 good work assembly.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Clarke and Miss Jaques
Welcome back to school after your Easter break! I hope you had lots of fun and have lots of stories to tell us in class!!
This term our topic is World Cup 2014. This is going to incorporate lots of exciting activities based around football, Brazil and the Rainforest and is promising to be a very exciting time for the children in KS2. We are not studying a particular book this term as the topic lends itself so many literature genres, such as fact books, traditional tales, biagraphies and auto-biographies, however, within class time we are going to be reading Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson. This is a fantastic book based about an Orphan who moves to live with her distand relatives in the Amazon.
As always if you have any artifacts or books that you would like to share with us please feel free to bring them in on show and tell day which is a Wednesday afternoon.
Just a little reminder:
PE is on Tuesday and Thursday, however, due to our topic we are hoping to fit in more PE sessions over the week so we are asking all children in Year 5 and 6 to leave their PE kit in school Monday to Friday.
The children now have their own homework folders whcih they will keep new and marked homework in. The folders should be brought into school on a thursday and return home on a Friday with the new homework in. I hope this will make it much easier for parents to keep track on what the children have to do at home.
As always, if you would like to speak to me feel free to see me in the morning or after school at our door or arrange an appointment with the school office.
Good afternoon parents of 5CJ!
Just to let you know, our class assembly is taking place next Thursday (6th Feb) at 10am and as always we will be serving tea, coffee and yummy treats afterwards. We would love to see you there!
Happy new year and welcome back 5CJ!!
This term our topic is War and the book we are studying is War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. If you have any artefacts or books that you would like to share with us please feel free to bring it in.
This term we are going to be introducing the blogging webpage, children will be provided with usernames and passwords and some homework will be posted on here. Thank you, Miss Jaques
Hi guys! Just a reminder that the homework given out yesterday is due in on Monday. If it is not in you will be expected to complete it in homework club next Thursday. Thanks Miss J
Welcome to the class page of 5CJ!
Welcome back to school 5CJ. I hope you have all had a fantastic summer holiday and have lots to show and tell us about what you have been doing. I am really excited about welcoming you into your new class and looking forward to an exciting year.
I am your class teacher, my name is Miss Jaques and I have taught at St Johns for one year. I love giraffes, dancing and performing so get ready for lots of singing, dancing and acting.
This term our topic is called 'Journeys'. We are going to be reading the book Varjak Paw by SF Said and learning about the Ancient Egyptians. If you have any artifacts, books or information you would related to our topics please bring them in as we would love to see them in show and tell.
Times tables will be tested on a Thursday. You must get 10 out of 10 three times in your times tables before you move your frog to the next times table.
If homework is not completed there will be a homework club on a Thursday lunch time for you to complete it during this time.
Just a polite reminder...although we love that parents support children with their homework please try to ensure that the children get the opportunity to have a go on their own.
PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday, however, please bring PE kit on a Monday and leave it in school until Friday as it is quite possible we may have sports games on any day of the week.
I hope this includes all the information you require, however, if you need to ask or talk to me about anything please feel free to come and see me before or after school. Alternatively give the office a call and leave a message and I will get back to you when I'm not teaching.
Here's to a fantastic year!
Miss Jaques X