Welcome to Foundation!
Lions Teachers - Mrs Fotheringham, Mrs Boldero and Mrs Roys
Tigers Teachers - Miss Bloomfield and Miss Walker
Please be aware that at some time over the summer holiday this page will be cleared to prepare for the new Foundation stage.
Best of luck to all this years Lions and Tigers for their time in Year 1. Thank you for a wonderful year.
Hopefully the children have shared with you who their new teachers are for Year 1.
Miss Stevens and Mrs Flear will be teaching in the classroom to the left of Lions class and Miss Sensical will be teaching from her current classroom, which is to the right of the Tigers class. In September both classes will need to wait on the main playground under the flags.
To see some photos of the new teachers please look under 'whos who' under about. (Mrs Flear is Miss Hewson, she is getting married in the summer holidays!!)
From your feedback at Parent's Evening we have put together a simple plan of some of the activities we will be taking part in this week (especially for those parents whose children play all do and can't remember what they have done at school!!). We hope you find it useful. We will try our best to update it every week. Please click on the timetable link below to view it.

Playing games with our Year 2 Partners

Good Work Assembly 2013

Good Work Assembly dress rehearsal 22nd March

Working with our Year 2 Partners