Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Kingfishers (2KC) and Hummingbirds (2NR)
Our Topic for the first term is Under and Over. It is a Topic with a science, history and design technology focus! We will be learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and why he is such an important person in British History.
Last half term we focused on 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne and wrote our own stories. This half term we will be focusing on biography writing and fact files.
With Christmas on the way we will begin work on our star studded performance of 'The Stars Come Out for Christmas'. Details of casting and performance dates to be sent out nearer the time.
PE Days
Year 2 have PE on a Monday and Friday. Please make sure you have your kit (both indoor and outdoor) and that all earrings are removed.
Here is some of our art work. We have focused on an artist called Romero Britto. We drew portraits of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and painted them in the style of Britto

Here are some of our bridge structures

Here are some of our bridges that we did for homework