Year 4
Year 4
We hope that you have had a great Christmas and are ready and raring to go into Spring term!
Can you boldly go where no children have gone before? Or will it be a small step for man, one giant leap for mankind?
This term we are learning all about Space!
Literacy: This half term we will be reading Aliens Love Underpants and writing stories set in imaginary worlds.
Numeracy: We will be learning about fractions, decimals, percentages and measurement. Keep learning those times tables ready for your times table tests!
Science: We will be learning all about Space; The Earth, Sun and The Moon. Also the other planets in our solar system.
R.E.: Journeys and Easter
Homework: You will receive weekly spellings and times tables to learn ready for tests. Throughout the term there will be homework challenges to complete. We also expect you to be reading at least 5 times a week and there will be reading challenges also.
P.E./Swimming: From September to February the children will be swimming on Fridays at 11am.
P.E. will be on Thursday mornings. Children will need to bring the correct kit every week.
Date to remember: Year 4 production, First Kids in Space Wednesday 9th March