Year 5
Happy new year to all of year 5! We hope you have had a fab Christmas and lovely new year.
This term our topic is World War and we will be reading 'War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo.
Within our topic we are going to be learning all about WW1 and WW2. We have lots of exciting activities planned and we can't wait to get started! I hope you are all excited about our trip to Castleton and we have also planned a visit to Eden Camp.
The blurb from War Horse is...
'I saw the grey soldiers ahead of us raise their rifles and heard the death rattle of a machine gun...'
A powerful story of the truest of friendships in the worst of wars from the award- winning former children's Laureate Micheal Morporgo.
If you have any information you would like to share, including books, please bring them into to share with the whole class.
Our P.E sessions are on a Tuesday and Thursday but it is expected that you bring your P.E kit in on a Monday and leave it in school until Friday. This means that we can do extra P.E on any other day, if we wish. You must have correct P.E kit, anyone without will be unable to participate and you will lose 5 minutes play time. Earrings must be removed for P.E - we are unable to cover them with plasters as this is not safe for you. You must be able to remove and put in your earrings yourself as we can't do this for you. If you can't remove them yourself then an adult needs to remove them before attending school on a Tuesday and Thursday.
We will do a spellings test on a Monday so that we can see how many you already know - your spelling homework will be given out after the spellings test. We expect you to practice at least 3 times at home. Your spellings homework should be handed back in on a Friday morning when we will do the spelling test again. We expect that you get at least one more right than you did on your first test and will will be looking that you are using the words within your writing.
In Year 5 it is expected that you read for at least 10 minutes 5 times a week and that this is signed in your homework diary by an adult. We will check your homework diary at least once a week to make sure you are completing the minimum amount of reading every week. Anyone who has not read 5 times will be required to catch up on their reading during break, lunch or any treat time we have earned.
We run a reading competition in year 5 which is monitored by 2 children in each class. If you have read and it has been signed in your homework diary by an adult then you show the monitors who will then give you a tick for that day on the chart. Then at the end of every half term we count up and work out the 2 children who have read the most in each class. The winners receive a certificate and a fabulous prize.
As well as spellings and reading we will also be giving out a topic homework challenge booklet. This has lots of fun activities for you to choose from. We ask that you complete 3 of these per half term. So 3 before the October holidays and 2 before the Christmas holidays.
Every week we will also give out either a maths or a literacy homework. This will be handed out on a Friday and due back in the following Friday. Anyone who does not hand it in will be expected to complete it at break or lunch time.
If you need any help with your homework then please see any member of the Year 5 team who will be happy to help. Please do this before Friday as this excuse for not completing homework will not be tolerated. Alternatively, Miss McDonald will be running a homework club at 12:30 on a Monday lunchtime and Mrs Ross will be running maths club at 12:30 on a Thursday lunchtime where you can bring any maths homework for help.
We will be following the Mighty Multiples Timestable Scheme again this year. We will be completing a timestable test every Friday. It is expected that you practice your timestables every week and that we should see an improvement in your score.
Star of the Week
In both classes we will be running Star of the Week. We will reward you with raffle tickets when we are pleased with you. This may be for good work. manners, behaviour, anything really. You also receive them if you have been given team points from another teacher. 1 team point = 1 raffle ticket. You write your name on the back, fold it in half and pop it in the raffle ticket box. At the end of every week, we will draw 1 ticket at random from each class. These children will be crowned Star of the Week and will receive a certificate, Star of the Week wrist band and a dip in the prize box.
If you are your adults have any worries, concerns, good news or just want a chat then please come and talk to us! We love good news and we are always willing to try and solve any concerns. We will be at our class doors in a morning and afternoon or alternatively ring for a chat or to arrange an appointment.
We hope this answers any questions you may have and we hope you are looking forward to another exciting term in year 5.
Mrs Ross, Miss McDonald, Mrs Keogh and Miss Carlton