St John’s C of E Primary School Residential
Caythorpe Court Lincolnshire
Dear Parents/carers,
I am pleased to let you know that our PGL residential has been reorganised to Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. This is a large activity centre run by PGL and they are offering to bring in additional staff so that the pupils from St John’s can still have their residential trip this year.
The dates of the trip will be from Monday 30th November to Friday 4th December so it is quite short notice and we will require your support to make sure that we can organise this in a limited amount of time.
My first priority is to ensure that I have your support for your children to attend this trip and I will be sending a letter out on Monday to obtain your consent. It would be appreciated if this letter could be returned as soon as possible as PGL are eager for us to confirm numbers so that they can organise drafting in enough staff to supervise activities during our week. I have also asked for a price for any parents who did not want their children to attend the France residential but would like them to go to Caythorpe and I will pass this information on as soon as I have it.
I have put as much information as possible on the school website for you to read about the trip but if you have any further questions then please come and see me on Monday or at your earliest convenience. Alternatively, I am available to answer any queries over the phone.
Finally, I hope that we can obtain your support for this trip to enable our pupils to have an exciting residential activity week after the disappointment of being unable to go abroad.
Kindest regards,
Sarah Barratt
Deputy Headteacher