Spring Term
Well done to everyone who dressed up for our Banquet yesterday you did me proud again.
Thank you parents for all your support during the term.
Have a good Easter everyone.
Don't eat too much chocolate!
Don't forget your outfits for our Tudor Banquet this afternoon, it's going to be great.
What a busy week it's going to be.
We start off with our Easter service with Reverend Alvey tomorrow.
On Tuesday it's our trip to Bosworth.
Finally on Thursday we will end our Tudor topic with a banquet which will include food, music and dancing.
17-3-13 Don't forget to hand in your Bosworth trip letters.
If you are ordering a goodie bag those orders need to be in by Wednesday morning as the order is being placed. Thanks
15-3-13 What a great day we have had today raising money for Comic Relief. Well done to everyone who dressed up again. I hope you enjoyed the disco last night
7-3-13 Well done to everyone who dressed up today you looked great and helped make World Book Day a great success.
I couldn't believe it when I saw the police at school this morning guarding the huge eggs which had appeared overnight - what a surprise!
Special mention to Aaron who won the prize for the best costume in Year 3, well done.
It's world book day this Thursday (7th March) don't forget that we are dressing up as book characters and bringing our old books to swap.
I wonder what characters you will all be, here are a few ideas for you.

28-2-13 Well done everyone our class assembly was fantastic.
24-2-13 Back to school tomorrow, I hope you've all had a great holiday
Remember swimming starts for us this Friday (1st March)
Don't forget our class assembly is on Thursday 28th February at 10am.
15-2-13 What a busy week we've had, you have all worked really hard during the past half term and your Tudor information books are looking great. I hope you all have a great half term and come back refreshed and ready to carry on with our fabulous topic.
10-2-13 I am really looking forward to ART WEEK next week.
You are really going to enjoy the activities we have planned for you.
1-2-13 Wow what a lot of facts you have learnt this week about what the Tudors wore.
I wonder who can remember what colour only royalty was allowed to wear.
Don't forget that each time we bake the recipe will be added to our Tudor baking gallery.
21-1-13 School is closed today due to the snow.
Don't forget to check out the links for Tudor topic websites, we can share any information you find when school reopens.
11-1-13 What a great first week back! You have all worked really hard and found some interesting facts about Queen Elizabeth II. I'm really looking forward to the Tudor Day on Tuesday next week-hope you are too!
8-1-13 Your Tudor shields are fabulous, well done everyone you have worked really hard over the Christmas break. I have added the photos of them into our gallery so check them out.
1-1-13 Happy New Year! I hope you had a great holiday and Father Christmas brought you everything you wanted. I'm looking forward to starting our new topic-The Tudors! I can't wait for you to see the classroom and look at all of your Tudor shields, hope you've had fun making them!