Welcome to 5CJ!
Welcome back to school after a lovely long weekend! I hope you all made the most of the lovely weather and spent lots of time outside.
Just to let you know Year 5 good work assembly is this Thursday 9th May 2013 at 10 am.
G'day 5CJ! Welcome back and I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
As you may have guessed, this term our topic is all about Australia - the country 'down under'. We will be reading lots of different texts from Australia, including, traditional tales and tourist informational booklets, as well as, creating our own. Any books, pictures or artifacts that you have at home, about Australia, we would love to see so please bring them in.
Just a little reminder to you all about homework. Spellings go out on a Monday and tested on a Thursday with your times table test. Reading must be done EVERY night and signed into your diary BY A PARENT and Miss Jaques and Mrs Keogh will be checking these. Anybody not reading knows the deal! There will also be homework given out on a Friday and it will be due in the following Thursday - no excuses!
I would just like to say what a fantastic trip we had at Castleton! It was so much fun and I was proud of some of the year fives for their excellent behaviour and getting stuck in!!
Welcome back to school 5CJ, I hope you have had a lovely christmas and are fresh for the new term.
This term our topic is "Lights, camera, action" and this is going to incorporate everything there is about film, Hollywood and Bollywood!
If you have any exciting artefacts, that you would like to show/bring in that links to the topic, we would love to see them!
As you know we have recently sent out a kit list stating what the children should take along to Castleton. We haven't yet got a confimred timetable of the activities but they were outlined on the original letter as well as below.
- Archery
- Building Shelters
- GPS Orienteering
- Team buliding challenges
- Bush Craft
- Hiking
Thank you to all the parents and family members that supported us with our performance of Oliver! The children really worked hard and I'm very proud of all of them! I hope you have a very happy christmas and look forward to seeing you in the new year.
I would like to say a huge thank you to all who joined us today for our class assembly. It was lovely to see how much you all support us and to show you what we get up to in class...not just singing and dancing! We have worked extremely hard on this assembly and I am very proud of all the children in 5CJ!!! Great work guys!! Wahoooo!
Thursday 22nd of November is our class assembly, in the hall, at 10am. We have a lot in store and hope you can all join us.
The stage performance of 'Oliver!' will take place on Tuesday 18th of December at 6pm. Pupils will need to be back at school for 5:30pm at the latest to get dressed and prepared. Tickets for this event will be on sale shortly.
Welcome to 5CJ, I hope you enjoy our class page which is full of exciting class news, work and lots of pictures of the great things we have done together.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Please let me know!
During this term our topic is victorians. We will be covering all aspects of the victorian era including some very exciting trips. If you have any books, information or exciting pictures and artifacts to show us related to the victorians please bring them in!
We have got a special display board in our classroom all about us. If you have any special pictures please bring them in for me to photocopy and pop up on our display!
We will be having homework, spellings and timetables to do every week. Homework will be handed in on a Monday, spellings will also be tested on a Monday and timestables will be tested on a Friday during numeracy. Please remember it is extremely important that homework is completed independently, with a little bit of help from an adult.
If you are completing a research project please remember that we do expect you to use the information to help you to create your own presentation (please do not copy and paste).
Thank you for visiting our class page!
Miss Jaques